How to create the right ad copy
If you take a look at newspaper’s ad, what makes you interested in and stop a second to read it? Is it because of its artistic [ image, color, or lay out ]? Or the benefit of what’s written in copy? Well, maybe depend on the ad itself. Both visual and copy have the power to stop you. But generally if you curious and want to know more about the product of course you read the copy, right?
Ok, Let’s say that beautiful woman already communicate but it just a trigger. You still don’t know what the product offer. You still must read the copy to know further more. Although, above all the purpose of that ad is just make audience to STOP and make them CURIOUS. But at least the audience should know the point of benefit. And it’s in the copy.
1. Headline and sub headline
Headline is better short, right, and represent the message of product. Although there are some headline could be long but effective and can be read. not make the audience dizzy to read. The headline should be able to grab the attention with excitement, passion, emotion with soft words and persuasive, and furthermore can entertain the audience. Entertainment headline means make audience feel happy, familiar with their culture, their habit, their life. As we know the more our ad is familiar with target market’s life, the more they feel proud and close to product. And it’s the purpose of the ad, right?
2. Flash
Flash is needed when the headline is not enough to represent all messages like special program or special price. The function is as a note that there is something special for you. But if the price or special program is the main message itself, definitely price is the headline. Not all print ad need flash depend on the concept.
Body copy could be adjusted with the need. It could be description or authoritation. Description means the body copy describe about the product’s feature and benefit from A to Z. Authorization means the body copy directly describe the important thing of what it sells to target market. Not too long description and ask to action.
If you’re not clear yet about the terms above I ‘d better just tells that short body copy or long body copy depends on the need. If we need to describe completely because we want the consumer know clearly it’s ok. On the contrary use short description it doesn’t matter as long as the consumer know and aware about the product you sell.
But what I emphasize are here:
Create a new need:
Make the consumer aware that your product is worth for them.
Propose the product/promise:
The product has benefit and value to them.
Ask for action:
Don’s ask them with the words to buy, buy, and buy, let them determine themselves by words. Make them aware so that they need the product and buy it.
4. Tagline
Usually tagline is already written with the brand. But if not yet and we want to suggest we can write it after the logo of product.
Ok, I think that’s it a short writing based on my experience. I hope it can be useful. It will be good for me if you’d like to suggest or criticize just leave a comment or send email.
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