Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The right moment of changing tagline

Tagline is a statement, promise or trademark claim against the market (consumers). The higher the level of competition, the more important a brand has a tagline both tangible (rational) or intangible (emotional). Through tagline verbal excellence in product. Therefore , when the brand began to enter the market (competition) then the tagline is required. Whether verbal or visual form. Certainly a tagline should be communicated and built to achieve and prove the benefits (value) brands to target consumers believe in the benefits of these brands through a tagline.

When a brand of brands such as KFC claim to be "the most delicious fried chicken" means the owner's product and market analysis proved that only the fried chicken is most delicious KFC in the competition on the market "fried chicken".

But the ever-changing business, now KFC fried chicken might be the most delicious fried chicken tomorrow there is another brand that tastes better. Sure enough, there are other brands of fried chicken with flavor McDoel much better. Moreover McDoel has another advantage that is cheaper and more convenient place. McDoel claim with tagline "McDoel be preferred". Proved more and more customers are switching KPC bought McDoel fried chicken. Of course, KPC owners panic. What to do?

In theory when a brand has the same advantages with other brands, the brands must look for added value in content or context. In content, improved product quality fried chicken taste KPC made a variety of tastes with a sense of the archipelago such as spicy, savory, sweet, spicy sweet, and various other sense of the archipelago. In context, atmosphere, service and dining room more character increased with consumers. Or just do one, content or context.

The formula is:
Brand Consumers insight = insight = Positioning: Tagline *

After KFC market analysis, Indonesian people have a different tongue. Plain people like spicy, sweet person like Java, the sunda like savory, and tastes of other archipelago. Characters customer has a unique typikal. Indonesian people do not care about the price of an important sense. And also upon investigation turned out to taste the fried chicken Mcdoel limited to savory and sweet taste. Well, KFC is very appropriate strategy to counter the McDoel even sure McDoel consumers will move to KPC.
So from the results of this market analysts, the spirit of KPC increase the added value chicken and with the same price. Because only this way can reach consumers KFC back.

What about the tagline KFC familiar consumers are the most delicious fried chicken. Is it still relevant to this added value?

To communicate that KFC fried chicken is not only the most delicious taste but also the tagline had the archipelago finally adjusted. Then came the new tagline is optional KPC archipelago.

After tagline is communicated, KPC would have to really prove the tagline claims it to consumers.

Is KFC will successfully surpass MCDoel? Consumers who decide.

His conclusion was that tagline may be replaced in accordance with market developments. When the tagline of a brand is no longer relevant to the benefits (value) of a brand then the tagline should be in rejuvenate (updated).

Enough to here. How do you think?

- Brand insight: the benefits of product content and context
- Consumers insight: consumer needs and desires in a rational way (fried chicken KFC, Sosro bottled tea, driving Mazda) and emotional (such as lifestyle, prestige, status, confidence, and so on).
- Positioning: Positioning the benefits your product / brand among other brands.
- Tagline: Promise of products / brands that are implemented in the form of copy / text. Although actual tagline could be in the form of a visual.

Very interesting comments from the AFZ in:
http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=102961559761&comments =

"Tagline is just one brand element. Whereabouts are not a necessity. Communication does not move linearly, from the purity of the brand to the purity of the target consumer. Keribetan come so involved in decision making. Connectedness Brand consumers insight and insight that communication messages work .... even in krodit level media ... will just be touching it, so that more depth is needed ..... it must achieve engagement and collaboration becomes very effective ......
print ads softener, deodorizer dicapture clothes just tagline no ......
questioned why so soon be changed? communication technologies continue to erode the paradigm of communication, including advertising ..... Obama still pake Changes tagline .... but the campaign strategy is far more important than the mere tagline ..... Target audience increasingly distrustful dg ads, more connected, more real time, more international ...... true indeed withhold consumer brand product but .... creative industries .... but consumers buy the brand's creativity rather than the product atw ......so still if we survive in the old paradigm ...?"


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