The hidden power of failure
By: Mochamad Ismail
Life is fullfiled with examination we must face, fullfiled with curve and barriers. Sometimes we are at down and at the top. When we succed life is full of happiness and laugh. To make the dream come true. Buy a new car, renovate house or travel around the world. Prestige and pride bounce highly. On the contrary,if failed we can be dejected and full of anger of that failure, regret, and sometimes some people ca be desperated. Many proud things and we loved must be willing to sell. And bruaaak…!!! The prestige jump down. Stress, easy to be angry, for smiling is difficult and not easy to laugh. What a pity a man like this…he..he..he…
Should it be like that the fact of life? There are two different sides, success and failure. As if a scent flower and decay of corpse. The scent flower will be closed by people like bees crowd a flower, and all people will praise and full of admiration. But, the decay of corpse will avoid, no body want to come and close above all they will say something hurt or by their flattered attitude. Life is cruel. Is That what the failed man feel…? Could be…
Crue? Is the life cruel? I don’t agree with people who say like that. Although failed in business, but thet won’t fail in life itself. Because only failed people can feel and reflect the essence of life. The real happiness of life will disclose in the failure.
A real happiness? Is there a real happiness today? It’s a dream man… money is everything man… money…!!!
Who says we don’t need money. It’s our obligation to work for earning money till as wide as the earth, until the end of life. But the matter is not how much but what the money is for? For making a living of family, for education, for helping poor people, fatherless child, for social activities, … etc.
Therefore, when we failed our mind and heart should be width. Our mind and heart are opened to everything in life. Realize that when we have money we forgot and cradled by material things, too proud our self. Realize that how tough, how smart we are what make us successful is not from us, (9.999 %?) 100 % from God.
Next what we do is just evaluate what we have done that make failed. If we do business: Do we pay their right after work, pay tax? Is the product, the service, the location and the man, or others are the matters. If we are an employee: Do we have right ability for the work, skill, speed, discipline, attitude, relationship, or others are the matters? The solutions depend on how far we can accept if we did wrong and fix it.
Next, grateful to God of everything we have. help people with what we have, I hope 1000% our success will come by itself only time is the matter. But off course the effort is the way. I hope... (It’s what I ‘ ve tried….).
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