Discovery why we think David Becham should concentrate on Football
By Paul Ashby
We must change the way we think about marketing, it is no longer, if it has ever been, business-to-consumer but consumer-to-consumer.
This means recognizing that your most important relationship is not between the company and the brand and any given consumer, but between the latter and other individuals.
What happens in real life is what matters to or between them.
Marketers should focus on creating social meaning and social utility-things that help real world social interaction or support the group’s interests-rather than forcing meaning on individuals through brain washing or bribery.
Products or services could be devised to be interesting enough to become talked about in the first place.
The first change in the way we think about media, must be a major shift away from thinking about media as ‘channels’ down which we tip messages and information.
Only in so far as they serve and help advertisers access and harness the power of the social networks that lie behind them.
Incidentally, an interesting piece of research has just emerged which confirms what I have long suspected, whilst, at the same time, going along with my suspicion about the creative ego and the use of very high priced Hollywood directors!
Advertisements starring high profile celebrities such as David Beckham and Jamie Oliver do not sell products as well as those featuring every day people, new research suggested.
A study by the University of Bath and the University of St Gallen in Switzerland, found that ordinary members of the public are more effective in selling products than super stars paid millions to endorse them. That’s because people are more worried about keeping up with the Jones’s than the rich and famous!
Never-the-less we guarantee that those Advertising Agencies will keep on using highly paid Hollywood movie directors as well as using the rich and famous as models…there goes millions more of the poor old clients budget…again…again…again!
All I will say is this, use Interactive Programs, properly executed, and you will not have to spend money on Hollywood Directors or, for that matter, the likes of David Beckham etc.
So the next time your Advertising Agency comes with their invoice, go through it with a fine toothcomb and delete the name(s) David Beckham, or whomever. Then check out who the director is, if he’s Hollywood, strike him out as well…we guarantee that you’ll be surprised at how much you can save.
Then half your budget and start using Interactive Marketing programs, again, you’ll be surprised at the positive results at a fraction of your normal advertising costs!
With Interactive Marketing Communication you don’t have expensive, unnecessary add-ons!
With Interactive Marketing Communication you don’t have wasteful coupons!
With Interactive Marketing Communication you don’t have wasteful promotional activity!
With Interactive Marketing Communication you don’t have David Beckhams!
With Interactive Marketing Communication you don’t have expensive Hollywood movie Directors!
With Interactive Marketing Communications you do have sales and increased profits!
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Image Source: Dreamstime/free image
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